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    Mindful Sodexo


    Are there certain acid/alkaline food combinations that are better for me than others?

    Answer courtesy of Susan Hurd, RDN, LDN, Regional Nutrition Manager, Sodexo Education, Wellness Champion

    The theory behind acid versus alkaline diet combinations stems from the idea that refined carbohydrates, red meat and processed foods contribute to increased acidity in the body, leading to inflammation and a multitude of illnesses, including effects on the brain and cardiovascular systems. Supporters look for foods that are more alkaline in nature to minimize this acidic effect. Research has shown that a diet that’s higher in plant-based foods and lower in processed foods can benefit overall health. Whether this is related to the acid or alkaline content of food has not been determined. You can refer to the chart below for a comparison of “acid” versus “alkaline” type foods.

    Some “alkaline” foodsSome “acid” foods
    NutsConvenience/processed foods


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